Python Type Annotations (part 1)

Python Type Annotations (part 1)

Cristina Ferrer's photo

24 min read

Python's dynamic typing is one of its core strengths. The low friction allows for rapid development that makes it a popular choice for new developers. However, as projects grow and evolve, the lack of type annotations makes code difficult to understand and maintain. This can lead to unexpected bugs that are hard to track down.

That Python is a dynamically typed language doesn't mean that Python does not have types, it means that types are not known until the code runs. But over the last years static type checking has become more popular. Type annotations provide a Matrix-like view into the code. Once you learn to read type signatures, you'll feel like you have superpowers!

This blog post will explore type annotations in Python, a feature that can improve code readability and catch potential bugs early. We'll show how to use static type checkers and annotate your code with type hints for basic type annotations, type narrowing, structural sub-typing and callables. In Part 2, we will cover more advanced topics such as generics, variadic generics paramspec and overloads.

Table of contents

What are Type Annotations?

Type annotations, also known as type hints, are a way to specify the type of a variable, function, or argument in Python.

For example, in the following function, we are specifying that the function add takes two arguments x and y of type float as input and returns a value of type float as output.

def add(x: float, y: float) -> float:
    return x + y

Why do we need type annotations?

Python type annotations offer significant advantages in modern software development:

  • Early Bug Detection. Type annotations help catch potential type-related issues early in the development process. By identifying errors in the IDE or CI pipeline, they prevent bugs from reaching production, saving time and reducing risks. This is especially crucial for industrial-scale applications where downtime is expensive.

  • Safer refactoring. Immediate feedback on type mismatches makes code changes smoother and more reliable. Developers can confidently modify code with real-time type checking support.

  • Reduce the need for unit testing. Type annotations minimize the need for extensive type-checking tests, allowing developers to focus on writing tests that validate core business logic rather than basic type compatibility.

  • Better code clarity. Unlike traditional docstrings, type annotations are compiler-checked and always in sync with the code. They provide clear, immediate insights into function inputs and outputs, making code more readable and self-documenting.

Example: Type safety in coordinate handling

Let's see how type annotations can prevent common errors using a simple geographic coordinate formatting function.

1. Starting Point: Untyped Code

Consider the following function that formats latitude and longitude:

def get_location_untyped(lat, lon):  # Error: Type of parameter "lat" is unknown
    return f"Latitude: {lat:.6f}, Longitude: {lon:.6f}"

This code can lead to multiple issues:

  • We can call it with incorrect types (e.g., str instead of float)
get_location_untyped("59.32", "18.06")
  • We can accidentally swap latitude and longitude values
get_location_untyped(59.32, 18.06)
get_location_untyped(18.06, 59.32)
  • Neither issue will be caught until runtime

2. Adding Basic Type Annotations

We can add basic type annotations to the function signature to specify the expected input types and return type.

def get_location_typed(lat: float, lon: float) -> str:
    return f"Latitude: {lat:.6f}, Longitude: {lon:.6f}"

The IDE and type checkers can now detect type-related errors before runtime. (e.g., passing str instead of float) at development time

get_location_typed("59.32", "18.06")  # Error: "Literal['18.06']" is not assignable to "float"

However, this still doesn't prevent accidentally swapping parameters:

get_location_typed(59.32, 18.06)
get_location_typed(18.06, 59.32)

3. Domain-Driven Type Safety

One feature of domain-driven design is to create distinct types for values that are semantically different. For example, instead of using a generic float type for both a lat and lon you would create specific types like Lat and Lon to represent these values. This helps in making the code more expressive and reducing the possibility of errors.

A less known feature in Python is NewType from the typing module. NewType is a great option for creating distinct types for values that are semantically different but share the same underlying type.

While subclassing is an alternative, NewType offers a more lightweight approach to type safety with zero runtime overhead.

from typing import NewType  # noqa: E402

Lat = NewType("Lat", float)
Lon = NewType("Lon", float)

def get_location(lat: Lat, lon: Lon) -> str:
    return f"Latitude: {lat:.6f}, Longitude: {lon:.6f}"

Swapping the parameters will now raise a type error at compile time.

get_location(Lat(59.32), Lon(18.06))
get_location(Lon(18.06), Lat(59.32))  # Error: "Lon" is not assignable to "Lat",  "Lat" is not assignable to "Lon"

Static Type Checking

Static type checking occurs without running the program. This is a standard feature in languages like Java and C#, where it is integrated into the compilation phase, and is required for identifying type mismatches and potential errors before an executable can be produced.

In Python, static type checking is optional. You can add type hints to your code, and use a static type checker to catch type errors before running the code. You can think of it as debugging your code up-front.

Static Type Checkers

There are several static type checkers available for Python:

  • Pyright by Microsoft is a full-featured, standards-based static type checker for Python.
  • MyPY by Dropbox et al. is an optional static type checker for Python that aims to combine the benefits of dynamic (or "duck") typing and static typing.
  • Pyre by Facebook is a performant type checker for Python compliant with PEP 484. Pyre can analyze codebases with millions of lines of code incrementally.
  • Pytype by Google checks and infers types for your Python code without requiring type annotations.

In this blog post, we will use Pyright, a fast type checker for Python that is written in TypeScript and integrated with Visual Studio Code through the Pylance extension.

Installing and Setup

  1. Enable Pylance in Visual Studio Code.

    If you are using the Python extension for Visual Studio Code, it will automatically install Pylance.

  2. Configure the type checking level in your pyproject.toml file:
[tool.pyright] typeCheckingMode = "strict"  # Options: "off", "basic", "standard", "strict"

Basic Type Annotations

For basic type annotations, we will cover annotating primitive types, container types and simple functions.

Primitive types

These types represent single values rather than collections. Below are examples of the most common primitive type annotations:

from typing import Literal

speakers: int = 2
talk: str = "Python type annotations"
active: bool = True
pi: float = 3.14159
number: int | None = 42
status: Literal["active", "inactive"] = "active"
# .. is the same as
status: Literal["active"] | Literal["inactive"] = "active"

Container types

A container is a type that can hold multiple values, such as list, tuple, set, and dict. The inner type of the container must also be annotated. For example, a list of integers can be annotated as list[int].

Below we can see that attempting to add incompatible values to our containers results in errors:

xs: list[int] = [1, 2, 3]
xs.append("2")  # Error: "Literal['2']" is not assignable to "int"

ts: tuple[int, str] = (1, "test")

us: set[int | str] = {1, 2, 3, "test"}

vs: dict[str, int] = {"one": 1, "two": 2}
vs["one"] = 2
vs["three"] = "three"  # Error: "Literal['three']" is not assignable to "int"

Annotating Functions

Function annotations in Python allow us to specify both parameter types and return types. The syntax uses colons : for parameter annotation and an arrow -> for the return type annotation.

Here's an example with a divide function that accepts two float parameters, and returns a union type of float or None, this is also called an optional type:

def divide(a: float, b: float) -> float | None:
    if b == 0:
        return None
    return a / b

When working with functions that return union types, the type checker will prevent us from directly using the result since it might be None. For example, the following code will flag an error:

from typing import reveal_type  # noqa: E402

result = divide(10, 20)
reveal_type(result)  # Type of "result" is "float | None"

d = result + 1  # Error: Operator "+" not supported for "None"

To safely use the result, we need to perform type narrowing through conditional checks. There is a specific section that will cover type narrowing in more detail, showing various ways to safely work with union types. For now, we will ensure that the result is a float before we can use it in an arithmetic operation.

if result is not None:
    d = result + 1  # OK

Note: In this post we will be using the function reveal_type to ask the static type checker to reveal the inferred type of its argument.

Most type checkers support reveal_type() even if the name is not imported from typing. However, to avoid runtime errors it should be imported from the typing module. At runtime, this function prints the runtime type of its argument and returns the argument unchanged.

Type Inference

Type inference is a powerful feature that allows programming languages to automatically determine variable types without explicit type annotations.

MyPy and Pyright will try to infer the type of unannotated variables and parameters based on context. Pyright will also try to infer the type of unannotated return types, while MyPy will interpret unannotated return types as Any.

For example, when a variable is assigned a specific value, type checkers can infer a precise type:

from typing import reveal_type  # noqa: E402

a = 10
reveal_type(a)  # Type of "a" is "Literal[10]"

Complementing Type Inference

Despite its convenience, type inference has limitations. In some cases, type inference is not enough to understand the type of a variable and developers often need to provide additional type information in several scenarios:

  • Giving a broader type to an object

The type checker will assume that if we initialize a list with a homogenous set of objects, probably that's what we intended.

xs = [1, 2, 3]
reveal_type(xs)  # Type of "xs" is "list[int]"
xs.append("2")  # Error: "Literal['2']" is not assignable to "int"

# allow a broader type than the one inferred
xz: list[int | str] = [1, 2, 3]
  • Restrict new types assigned to a variable

To enforce type consistency throughout an application type annotations can ensure that subsequent value assignments are compatible with the initially declared type.

# Variable type changes dynamically without type annotation
x = 10
reveal_type(x)  # Type of "x" is "Literal[10]"

# Redeclare the variable with a different type
x = "10"
reveal_type(x)  # Type of "x" is "Literal['10']"

# Annotate a variable to restrict the type
xx: int = 10
reveal_type(xx)  # Type of "xx" is "Literal[10]"
xx = "10"  # Error: Type "Literal['10']" is not assignable to declared type "int"
  • Initialize empty containers

Empty containers are initially typed as Any, requiring explicit type specification:

lst_ = []
reveal_type(lst_)  # Type of "lst" is "Any"
lst_.append(1)  # Error: Type of "append" is partially unknown

# Specify the expected type
lst: list[int] = []
  • Validating function output types

Type annotations serve as a powerful mechanism for ensuring type correctness, particularly when dealing with external or untyped code. By explicitly defining expected return types, developers can intercept type mismatches during code refactoring, prevent silent type-related errors from spreading through the application and create a robust type verification layer for third-party or legacy functions.

# Third-party function without type annotations
def get_status():
    return "active"

# Enforcing type constraints within the application
type Status = Literal["active", "inactive"]
status: Status = get_status()

Type Narrowing

Type narrowing is the act of making the type of a variable more narrow or specific e.g. that Animal is actually a Cat, or that Optional[int] i.e int | None in some cases must be int (or just None). This can be done by using special type narrowing expressions, statements and type guards.

While these checks are performed at runtime, static type checkers also use these constructs for type narrowing during static analysis. By narrowing the type of a variable, we can write more type-safe code and catch errors at compile time rather than at runtime.

In this section, we will also discuss type casting and why it should be avoided.

The following examples will use the divide function from the previous section:

def divide(a: float, b: float) -> float | None:
    if b == 0:
        return None
    return a / b

result = divide(10, 20)

Type Narrowing Expressions

There are several built-in expressions in Python that can be used to narrow the type of a variable. These include:

  • isinstance - Check if an object is an instance of a class.
from typing import reveal_type  # noqa: E402

if isinstance(result, float):
    reveal_type(result)  # Type of "result" is "float"
    reveal_type(result)  # Type of "result" is "None"
  • issubclass - Check if a class is a subclass of another class.
# pyright does not support giving expressions to isinstance,
# so issubclass(type(result), str)  will not narrow the type of result

result_type = type(result)
reveal_type(result_type)  # Type of "result_type" is "type[float] | type[None]"

if issubclass(result_type, float):
    reveal_type(result_type)  # Type of "result_type" is "type[float]"
    reveal_type(result_type)  # Type of "result_type" is "type[None]"
  • callable - Check if an object is callable.
from import Callable  # noqa: E402

def factory() -> Callable[[float, float], float | None] | None:
    return divide

divide_ = factory()
reveal_type(divide_)  # Type of "divide_" is "((float, float) -> (float | None)) | None"

if callable(divide_):
    reveal_type(divide_)  # Type of "divide_" is "(float, float) -> (float | None)"
    reveal_type(divide_)  # Type of "divide_" is "None"
  • is - Check if two objects are the same.
if result is not None:
    reveal_type(result)  # Type of "result" is "float"
    reveal_type(result)  # Type of "result" is "None"

Type Narrowing Statements

There are several built-in statements in Python that can be used to narrow the type of a variable. These include:

  • if - Check if a value is truthy.

    In the previous example, we use an if statement to check if result is not None. This narrows the type of result within the if block to float, allowing us to safely perform operations that require a float type. If result is None, the else block handles that case separately.

  • assert - Assert if a value is truthy.

    An assert statement will be executed at runtime, and if the condition fails, an AssertionError is raised.

assert result
reveal_type(result)  # Type of "result" is "float | int"
  • match - Check a value against a series of patterns.

    The match statement is a new feature in Python 3.10 that allows us to match a value against a series of patterns and execute the corresponding block of code. The match statement can be used to narrow the type of a variable based on the pattern that matches the value. Using the match statement is essentially a more concise way of writing isinstance checks, but it can be more readable and ensures that the check is exhaustive so that no case if left unchecked.

result = divide(10, 20)
match result:
    case float(f) | int(f):
        reveal_type(f)  # Type of "f" is "float | int"
    case None:
        reveal_type(result)  # Type of "result" is "None"

User Defined Type Guards

We can add our own type guards for custom types as well. Type guards are special functions that help the type checker narrow down the type of a variable based on runtime checks. They return a boolean value and have a special return type TypeGuard, which indicates to the type checker that the function is a type guard and can be used to narrow the type of a variable to the specified type.

Type guards are functional at runtime, affecting the program's flow based on their checks, but they are also used by static type checkers to narrow the types during static analysis.

In the following example, we define a type guard all_int that checks if all elements in a list are of type int. This allows the type checker to narrow the type of the list based on the result of the check.

from typing import Any, TypeGuard  # noqa: E402

def all_int(xs: list[Any]) -> TypeGuard[list[int]]:
    return all(isinstance(x, int) for x in xs)

xs = [1, 2, 3, "test"]  # list[int | str]

if all_int(xs):
    reveal_type(xs)  # Type of "xs" is "list[int]"
    reveal_type(xs)  # Type of "xs" is "list[int | str]"

Type Casting

Type casting is used to explicitly specify a different type for a variable. Using cast doesn't actually change the type of a variable at runtime; it only informs the type checker to treat the variable as a different type without performing any runtime type conversion.

from typing import cast  # noqa: E402

def process_data(data: object) -> str:
    # We might know this is actually a string, but the type checker doesn't
    return cast(str, data).upper()

# Usage
result = process_data("hello")
reveal_type(result)  # Type of "result" is "str"

It should be avoided if possible, since it can hide mistakes and lead to runtime errors.

a = 1
b = cast(str, a)
reveal_type(b)  # Type of "b" is "str"

# cast is omitted in runtime, so this will raise a TypeError
print(b + "c")  # TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

Static Duck Typing and Protocols

Python is well-known for its duck typing, a programming approach that focuses on what an object can do rather than what it is. If an object implements the methods and attributes we need, we can work with it regardless of its class hierarchy. This flexibility is great, but it raises an interesting challenge:

How do we combine duck typing's dynamic nature with static type annotations?

Let's explore this concept with an example:

We will define two classes Rabbit and Fox which share a common method called feed:

class Rabbit:
    def run(self) -> str:
        return "Rabbit is running"

    def feed(self) -> str:
        return "Rabbit is eating"

class Fox:
    def say(self) -> str:
        return "Ring-ding-ding-ding!"

    def feed(self) -> str:
        return "Fox is eating"

And a function that takes an animal parameter and calls its feed method:

def care_for_animal_untyped(animal):  # Error: Type of parameter "animal" is unknown
    animal.feed()  # Error: Type of "feed" is unknown


How can we type the animal parameter?

We have several options, but each has drawbacks:

  • Creating an Animal base class would limit the flexibility of duck typing.
  • Using Union[Rabbit, Fox] would restrict us to specific types.
  • Using Any would disable type checking entirely, allowing objects without a feed method.

A better approach is to use Protocols, which enable static duck typing (also known as structural subtyping). Protocols let us define a set of methods that a class must implement without requiring inheritance from a base class.

To create a protocol, we use the Protocol base class from the typing module. In the following example, we define a CareFor protocol that requires the implementation of a feed method:

from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable  # noqa: E402

class CareFor(Protocol):
    def feed(self) -> str: ...

def care_for_animal(animal: CareFor):


The type checker ensures that the animal parameter in the care_for_animal function will accept any class that has a method feed. Trying to use a class without the required methods will raise a type error:

# This would fail type checking
class Dog:
    """A class that doesn't implement the CareFor protocol."""

    def bark(self) -> str:
        return "Woof!"

care_for_animal(Dog())  # Error: Dog doesn't implement CareFor protocol

Note: The use of the @runtime_checkable decorator is required to enable runtime type checking using isinstance. Without it, the CareFor protocol would not be recognized as a valid type at runtime:

assert isinstance(Rabbit(), CareFor)

You can use Protocol types just like any other type annotation:

animal: CareFor = Rabbit()
animals: list[CareFor] = [Rabbit(), Fox()]

Protocols are meant to define a set of methods and attributes that a class must implement, but they are not meant to be instantiated themselves:

animal = CareFor()  # Error: Cannot instantiate protocol class "CareFor"

Built-in Protocols

The typing module includes several protocol classes that represent common Python interfaces. Let's take a look at a few of them:

  • Iterable[T]: implements__iter__ method.

In the example below, the class BookCollection contains an __iter__ method, which means it adheres to the iterable protocol and can be used wherever Iterable[T] is expected, such as in a for loop.

Iterable[T] is a generic type. Generics are covered in more detail in Part 2 of this series.

class BookCollection:
    def __init__(self):
        self.books: list[tuple[str, str]] = []

    def add_book(self, title: str, author: str):
        self.books.append((title, author))

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.books)

library = BookCollection()
library.add_book("1984", "George Orwell")

for title, author in library:
    print(f"{title} by {author}")
  • Container[T]: implements __contains__ method.

In the example below, the class TagCollection contains a __contains__ method, which means it adheres to the container protocol and can be used wherever Container[T] is expected, such as in the in operator.

Container[T] is a generic type. Generics are covered in more detail in Part 2 of this series.

class TagCollection:
    def __init__(self):
        self.tags: set[str] = set()

    def add_tag(self, tag: str):

    def __contains__(self, item: str):
        return item.lower() in self.tags

tags = TagCollection()

print("python" in tags)  # True
print("Java" in tags)  # False
  • SupportsFloat: implements __float__ method.

In the example below, the class Temperature contains a __float__ method, which means it adheres to the SupportsFloat protocol and can be used wherever SupportsFloat is expected, such as in the float() function.

from typing import SupportsFloat  # noqa: E402

class Temperature:
    def __init__(self, celsius: float):
        self._celsius = celsius

    def __float__(self) -> float:
        return self._celsius

def celsius_to_kelvin(celcius: SupportsFloat) -> float:
    return float(celcius) + 273.15

temp = Temperature(25.0)
kelvin = celsius_to_kelvin(temp)

Protocol Inheritance

Protocols can be extended like regular classes, but with an important distinction:

  • Just inheriting from an existing Protocol creates a regular class that implements the Protocol.

  • To create a new Protocol, you must explicitly include Protocol in the inheritance.

class AdvancedCare(CareFor, Protocol):
    """Protocol for animals requiring advanced care."""

    def groom(self) -> str: ...
    def exercise(self) -> str: ...

Functions and Callables

We have already seen that we can annotate functions with type hints. These annotations ensure both proper function usage and correct handling of the return value.

Python functions can take many forms and perform a variety of tasks. You can create functions that accept other functions as inputs, functions that produce new functions as outputs, and functions that handle a flexible number of arguments including default parameters, variadic arguments (*args) and keyword arguments (**kwargs). Functions can also act as generators using yield or run asynchronously using async and await.

In addition, Python also includes a broader concept called "callables" - essentially anything you can execute using parentheses. This category encompasses regular functions, class methods, and classes that implement the __call__ method. For more complex scenarios, you can define callable protocols, that can be used to specify precise signatures for these callable objects.

Basic Functions

Let's review how to annotate basic functions.

Below is a simple function that adds two integers. The type hints a: int and b: int specify that both parameters must be integers, while -> int indicates that the function returns an integer.

from typing import reveal_type

def sum_two(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    return a + b

result = sum_two(10, 20)
reveal_type(result)  # Type of "result" is "int"

Variadic Arguments

Variadic arguments are variable-length arguments often referred to as *args in Python, which allow us to pass a variable number of positional arguments to the function.

Annotate *args with the same type

Let's take a look at how we can annotate variadic arguments of the same type. In the example below, we have a function sum_all that takes a variable number of integers and returns their sum:

def sum_all(*args: int) -> int:
    reveal_type(args)  # Type of "args" is "tuple[int, ...]"
    return sum(args)

sum_all(1, 2, 3)
sum_all(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

The type of the args variable is a tuple with an ellipsis ... at the end. A tuple annotated as tuple[T, ...] means that all the elements are of the same type, in this case the args variable is a tuple of ints.

Annotate *args with different types

To annotate variadic arguments of different types, we can define a predefined tuple that contains the different types, and we can use it with the star * operator to unpack it. In this example, calling foo with only one argument will raise an error:

type Args = tuple[int, str, float]

def foo(*args: *Args) -> None:
    reveal_type(args)  # Type of "args" is "tuple[int, str, float]"

foo(42, "test", 10.3)
foo(42)  # Error: Arguments missing for parameters "args[1]", "args[2]"

Note: Defining a predefined tuple will restrict the number of arguments that can be passed to the function. To allow for a variable number of arguments of different types, we can use Variadic Generics. We will cover this in more detail in Part 2.

Keyword Arguments

Keyword arguments are also variable-length arguments, often referred to as **kwargs in Python, which allow us to pass a variable number of arguments by name in any order, and to specify default values for the arguments.

Annotate **kwargs with the same type

When annotating kwargs with a single type, for example int, the real type of the kwargs parameter is dict[str, int], where the keys are always str representing the parameter names:

def sum_integer_kwargs(**kwargs: int) -> int:
    reveal_type(kwargs)  # Type of "kwargs" is "dict[str, int]"
    return sum(kwargs.values())

sum_integer_kwargs(a=1, b=2, c=3)

Annotate **kwargs with different types

To annotate kwargs with different types, we can use TypeDict from the typing module to specify the name and the type of each of the keyword arguments:

from typing import NotRequired, TypedDict, Unpack  # noqa: E402

class Person(TypedDict):
    name: str
    age: int
    is_student: bool
    address: NotRequired[str]  # optional parameter

def greet(**kwargs: Unpack[Person]) -> None:
    reveal_type(kwargs)  # Type of "kwargs" is "Person"

greet(name="John", age=20, is_student=True)
greet(name="John", age=20)  # Error: Argument missing for parameter "is_student"


  • We cannot use the ** to unpack a TypeDict, instead we need to use Unpack from the typing module.

  • TypeDict does not support assigning default values. To annotate kwargs with default values we can use Callback Protocols which we will cover in the next section.

  • Similarly as with *args, defining a TypedDict will restrict the number of arguments that can be passed to the function. To annotate kwargs with a variable number of arguments of different types, we can use Parameter Specification. We will cover this in more detail in Part 2.

What is the benefit of unpacking typed tuples and dictionaries instead of just annotating each of the arguments as normal positional and keyword arguments?

The main benefit might not be obvious at first, but it allows us to define a data model outside the function. This way, the function can depend on the data model instead of needing to know about the specific arguments.

In Part 2, we will see that we can combine tuple unpacking with variadic generics to avoid limiting the number of arguments. For example, the first argument can be pinned to a specific type, while the rest of the arguments can be of any type.


We can also annotate callables. This is useful, for example, for functions that take other functions as arguments, or functions that return functions. A callable can be annotated using the Callable form, which takes a list of argument types and a return type. For instance, Callable[[int],str] represents a function that takes an int and returns a str.

In the example below, we have a mapper function that converts an int to a str. We also have a map function that takes a mapper function with a list of ints, and returns a list of strs. The map function applies the mapper to each element in the list, converting each int to a str:

from import Callable  # noqa: E402

def mapper(number: int) -> str:
    return str(number)

def map(
    mapper: Callable[[int], str],
    source: list[int],
) -> list[str]:
    return [mapper(x) for x in source]

xs = [1, 2, 3]
ys = map(mapper, xs)
reveal_type(ys)  # Type of "ys" is "list[str]

Lambda Functions

We can also use lambdas to define the mapper function. Using lambdas can make the code more compact since you don't need to define a separate function, and naming such a function can sometimes be challenging.

However, it is not possible to annotate lambda parameters with type hints. The type checker will have to infer the type of the lambda from the context.

zs = map(lambda x: str(x), xs)
reveal_type(lambda x: str(x))  # Type of "lambda x: str(x)" is "(x: Unknown) -> str" # Error: Argument type is unknown
reveal_type(zs)  # Type of "zs" is "list[str]"

You can always try to help the type checker by providing a type annotation for the variable. However, note that some linters will warn against assigning lambda functions to a variable.

# Warning: Do not assign a `lambda`expression, use a `def`
mapper_: Callable[[int], str] = lambda x: str(x)  # noqa: E731

Callback Protocols

One limitation with the Callable form is that it doesn't allow us to specify variadic arguments like *args or **kwargs. Therefore, we cannot specify optional parameters with default values.

In the example below, we have a function callback that takes two arguments, but we have no way of specifying that the second argument is optional. As a result, we get an error when we try to call the cb function with only one argument:

def callback(a: int, b: int | None = None) -> int:
    return a + (b or 20)

def use_callback(cb: Callable[[int, int | None], int]) -> int:
    return cb(10)  # Error: Expected 1 more positional argument


To address these issues, we can use callback protocols. A callback protocol is a Protocol class that defines a __call__ method. This method can have any number of positional or keyword parameters with or without default values. The type checker will check that the __call__ method matches with the signature of the function that uses such a callback protocol.

In the example below, we define a KeyboardEvent protocol with a __call__ method that takes a keycode parameter and an optional completed keyword parameter. The on_event function matches this signature. The KeyboardEvent protocol ensures that any function passed to the register function adheres to this signature:

from typing import Protocol  # noqa: E402

class KeyboardEvent(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, keycode: int, *, completed: bool = False) -> None: ...

def on_event(keycode: int, *, completed: bool = False) -> None:
    # Handle the event

def register(event_callback: KeyboardEvent) -> None:
    event_callback(keycode=10, completed=True)


This concludes part 1 of our exploration into type annotations in Python. We've covered the basics of type annotations, type narrowing, structural sub-typing, and callables. By using these techniques, you can improve code readability, catch potential bugs early and ensure type safety in your Python projects.

In Part 2 of this series, we will build on these fundamentals and explore more advanced features such as generics, variadic generics, paramspec, and overloads.
